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Re: [TowerTalk] Exothermic welding mold

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Exothermic welding mold
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2023 09:50:52 -0700
List-post: <>

I've never seen any reference to a mold like that, and somewhere I have an old  list of all the molds Cadweld made.  If you get desperate, though, you could try making your own.

The powder is available on eBay.  The powder comes in pre-measured containers depending upon the size of the mold it was intended for, and there is always a bit of fine powder at the top for easier ignition.  If you lose that fine powder, it can be difficult to fire off the shot because it is a reduction (versus oxidation) reaction, but a cheap 4th of July sparkler will do the trick quite nicely. The mold I made needed about 65 grams of powder so I just bought the 200 gram stuff and divided it up into three smaller portions. Worked great.  You'd likely have to experiment a bit to determine how much you needed for your mold.

By the way, you'd want a thin aluminum disk to hold the powder in the upper chamber before ignition.  I found a bunch of them somewhere, but aluminum foil should work just as well.

I once tried to make my own powder since the chemical reaction is pretty simple ... just copper oxide and aluminum powder in the right proportions.   The problem was that I could only find lab grade stuff as a very fine powder, and when I fired it off it all went up just like the flash powder they used for taking photographs back in the 1800's.  The Cadweld powder is comprised of pretty thick particles to slow the reaction and allow the melted copper to flow down into the mold.

Another tip ... the molds work better when they are hot.  Either make a couple of test shots first, or GENTLY heat it first with a propane torch.  Don't overdo it ... the graphite is just like coal, of course.

Dave   AB7E

On 8/13/2023 7:42 AM, Martin A. Flynn wrote:
Looking for a mold that can be used to connect three (3) 2/0 concentric copper cables to a 3/4 Inch copper clad rod.

Does this exist?

73 Martin Flynn


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