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Contesting Online Survey

Survey Question Recent Surveys

Recently the RDXC committee reclassified P3F to high power from low power without publicly providing strong evidence that any infraction had occurred. They concluded was that the contestant was running HP on 80/40m but not full-time, just 10 minutes here and there without any convincing evidence. It appears they used the RBN as their source of information. Should the RXDC contest have to publicly provide convincing evidence before reclassifying a station from LP to HP?

Randy, K5ZD, wrote a sidebar titled " Convergence and Change" in the 2015 CQWW CW printed results in CQ magazine. He wrote that the "convergence of personal computers, Internet access, DX clusters, and CW Skimmer have changed the nature of CW contesting". He goes to say that it is "more difficult to police the line between the single operator working alone and those who are using the assistance of DX spotting." In light of this convergence and change is it time to recombine SO and SOA into a single category?

What's your primary Software for HF Contests ? ( no VHF/UHF ! )

Are you ready the this year's winter contest season

What ways have you found to be effective to attract newcomers to our hobby?

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Do you plan to enter the CQ WW DX Contest?
  Posted: Oct 27, 2021   (79 votes, 14 comments) by K5ZD

  Yes, SSB only
  Yes, CW only
  Yes, both modes
    (79 votes, 14 comments)
Survey Results
Yes, SSB only 25% (20)
Yes, CW only 27% (21)
Yes, both modes 35% (28)
No 11% (9)

Survey Comments
will also be available at any time of day and
night. They are available round the clock a day
because your life and the safety of

Posted by Freddncer on February 26, 2024

Applied observability takes raw data, adds
context and analytics, and generates data-
driven business and IT decisions. AI trust,
risk and security management (AI TRiSM) covers
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Posted by jordilee on December 29, 2023

This information is so helpful. Great!

Posted by chsuegl on November 22, 2023


Posted by simranoberoi on October 7, 2023

Hello folk - I don't wish to be a Moaning
Minnie - however, may I humbly suggest that
Contesters be aware that there are Ham Radio
Operators who have zero interest in some
There are Operators who like to rag-chew etc.
With some Contests it is quiet often band
edge to band edge operating and no section of
the band left to those who are not interested
in Contesting. It would be courteous if when
organising a Contest to specify a portion of
the band/bands to be left clear for those who
wish to have a standard QSO without being
transmitted over or being splattered over
from excessive power. It really would be
I have personally experienced having a QSO
and for a Contest station with out asking if
the frequency was cleat to start calling CQ-

I Hope my comment has not offended any
Contester or Contest organisers.
73 de Gerald EI6DP

Posted by EI6DP on September 30, 2023


Posted by arpitajaan on August 26, 2023


Posted by jasminekaurs on August 21, 2023

Hi! Does anybody here? Is the theme working?

Posted by Mikeyyy on March 26, 2023

Can't think without it!
Always been my favorite! I'm a half-baked
contester but rubbing elbows with the big guns
always makes me feel better. Thanks, big guns!

Posted by n6mg on May 22, 2022

Some of the best contests of the year, the cw leg my
absolute favorite! C U all in the next ones. Bryan W5MX

Posted by w5mx on May 9, 2022


Posted by AlanLuiz on May 6, 2022

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Posted by boiesdavid on December 31, 2021

Posted by KH6AQ on December 1, 2021

Never miss it
No other contest brings out the DX or the
excitement of CQ WW!

Posted by K5ZD on October 27, 2021

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