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Contesting Online Speak Out

Speak Out: SO2R and Rules

A reader asks, "Should multi-single rules be changed to allow for SO2R type operation?"

40 opinions on this subject. Enter your opinion at the bottom of this page.
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Anonymous on 2001-07-22
<Yawn> Guess you guys never heard of an octopus.

Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it...

Anonymous on 2001-07-22
<<Those of us who are in no position (financially or otherwise) to implement SO2R would be better off competing against a M/S than an SO2R>>

This is not a totally fair comparison. M/S scores in many contests (Sweepstakes comes to mind) do not compare well with top Single-op scores. Quite often the M/S operations are more casual.

It is true, however, that a SO has more options. So be it. That's the flavor of each contest.

Ever try a M/S in ARRL DX? Really boring for the other ops. Do I want it become the same as CQWW?
No F#%$ing way.

Anonymous on 2001-07-22
I agree with KR1G. What is the reasoning for this restriction with M/S ? I don't see it. If anything, the IARU is an eloquent example of the disparity between SO1R and SO2R. Those of us who are in no position (financially or otherwise) to implement SO2R would be better off competing against a M/S than an SO2R. Just look at the scores !

Maybe we need to re-define categories and be done with it.

Steve K0SR

Anonymous on 2001-07-21
Multi-single rules in IARU contest are the one of the worst. It allows "cheaters" to work CW&SSB on the same band same time but on the other hand the rules do not allow any kind of effective multiplier hunting - this means 50% of fun lost. It is runrunrun contest for Multi-singles ... (and SO2R can "easily" work higher score than MS)
73 Timo OH1NOA

Anonymous on 2001-07-21
>Of course there is, but is that any reason to essentially ENCOURAGE it by creating categories that are unpoliceable?<

And this would be any different from what happens today?

Anonymous on 2001-07-20
SO and MS are diffrent catagories with diffrent rules.
What diffrence does it make if the scores are diffrent?

I think that it is great that a real MS can the IARU.
This is no longer really true for the ARRL contest and
not true for the CQ WW MS. But then who wants all
the contests to be the same?

You do not want to get rid of the 10min rule - trust me
you do not want to get rid of it.

Anonymous on 2001-07-20
<< To this I say, there is no cheating now? >>

Of course there is, but is that any reason to essentially ENCOURAGE it by creating categories that are unpoliceable?

Anonymous on 2001-07-20
Contesting is about people and radios. What has happened is that the rules are based on transmitted signals not equipment. As an example this is like letting tennis be played with one person deciding to use multiple balls, it just doesn't work very well for the other players. So lets clarify the definitions of the classes instead of patching the holes.

An entry category will describe the number of people who take part and the number of transmitters (ie radios not signals). Only these combinations would be allowed:
#people/#of transmitters
1. Single/single
2. Single/multi
3. Multi/single (no 10 minute rule)
4. Multi/multi
and for the Arrl Multi/2 transmitter.

In the case of multi/single some are going to say, but you encourge cheating everybody is going to use multiple transmitters and claim that they used only one. To this I say, there is no cheating now?

Anonymous on 2001-07-19
I guess if you want to re-incarnate the pseudo-multi-multi octopus.

kr1g on 2001-07-19
Well, for CQWW it doesn't matter. For contests like IARU, it does. Now that I'm doing SO2R, a M/S with restrictive rules (e.g. strong band change limitations)seems like a step backwards. It wouldn't be as much fun, and the scores would be lower. Check out the reported scores for IARU - top SO Mixed scores are higher than top M/S scores.

I kinda think M/S should be an advantage over SO!

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