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Contesting Online Forums : tips : Balancing contesting and family Forums Help

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Balancing contesting and family Reply
by ne0p on November 3, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
What ways have others found to balance their contesting activity with starting a family. I have a 3 (almost 4) year old daughter, and don't have a lot of time on the weekends anymore for contesting with keeping here entertained, spending time with the XYL, sleeping, and such. Any suggestions on making it all work?
RE: Balancing contesting and family Reply
by KA1C on November 3, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
Not sure if this will help, but here goes. You might try contesting on a single band that was open when you are "needed" less. My children are grown, but grandchildren are here often. RTTY contesting can sometimes be done with the child sitting on your lap as you "mouse" out contacts, and still interact with the child. Plan to take breaks when you are needed the most. I found one contest that offered a 12 hour entry as an option, and as I had only worked 11.57 hours, it worked perfectly. Who knows? You might generate another "ham". I know my grandson at age 1-1/2 years is thrilled with radios and tools, and my family is amazed how well he behaves when we spend our special time in the "shack" & "shops". I have a feeling this works better with grandchildren, though. Good luck, and don't give up hope! Steve
RE: Balancing contesting and family Reply
by ad6zj on November 7, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
I have a 3 year old boy and two teenagers (one having just left for college) so I am in a similar boat. Add to that, I let my wife "escape" on the weekends so she can recharge. I setup a "Thomas the Train" set in the shack and my boy plays with it for hours (of course he also empties boxes of electronic parts and tools all over the floor). I can get several daylight hours of a contest in this way. Best advise is to spend time with the family during the day and work the low bands at night. Catch up on sleep when the contest is over.

Oh, and no matter what - put the family first. The kids will grow up before you know it.

RE: Balancing contesting and family Reply
by n1uz on November 25, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
Before you know it she will be in high school and be so involved with other things and not have time for you. Enjoy her while she is young. Contesting can wait for off hours when she is sleeping. Set personal goals in your contesting.
RE: Balancing contesting and family Reply
by AD6WL on November 29, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
Don't forget the Kids day event in Jan and July. I have operated this with my daudhter since she was 6 years old and she is 12 now and still enjoys it. It is a simple exchange and she can talk to other kids. We start with a blank printout map out the US and color in states as we work them.

It's fun for both of us.

73, Jim

RE: Balancing contesting and family Reply
by iz2eju on November 29, 2006 Mail this to a friend!
Hi ! I have 2 daughters, you can see them at, and I am also involved in contesting. Last week-end there was the CQ WW CW. Someone told me "It is only a week-end in a year, leave childrens to their mother" but I think that my daughters' childhood only comes once in a life, so I decided to do less contest and to play with my daughters, have lunch and supper with them, and saturday evening to go to McDonalds. Yes, doing so I lost a lot of QSOs... Ilaria is 13, and I think that in a couple of years she will prefer to go out with her friends, then I will have more time to spend with the radio.
Anyway, I see that many of us are father-contesters: can we ask a special category with bonus points for each son ? :-)
And finally, sorry for my English, but I am sure that you will understand what I mean.
73 from Rik, Ilaria and Chiara !

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