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Somatic Therapy: The Advantages

buthay namaloof (buthaynamaloof) on November 16, 2022
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Somatic therapy is a type of psychotherapy focusing on the connection between the mind and body.

Somatic therapists know that emotions that haven't been dealt with or pushed down are often stored in the body as pain, headaches, and nausea. Somatic healing therapy uses exercises to help people become more aware of their bodies because of this.

Here are some benefits of somatic therapy that may help you decide if it's right for you.

Change your brain, and your life will change.

Our brains and bodies like to repeat things. They learn to think and believe the way we teach them from a young age. These become the "programmes" that run our lives, just like on a computer.

By using somatic therapy to tap into the body's power, we can rewire the neural pathways in our brains to get out of "survival mode" and into a state of conscious emotional balance. Somatic therapy can help you get your life back from harmful thoughts, beliefs, and patterns in this way.

Learn more about your thoughts and actions.

Many of us are always on "autopilot," which keeps us from being in touch with our bodies. When in this state, we don't pay attention to what our bodies are telling us, or we choose to ignore them to get things done. When we listen to what our body says, we can receive insight into the thoughts, beliefs, habits, and behaviours that form our relationships with ourselves and others.

Get the tools you need to get past what's stopping you.

We are held back by emotions that we haven't dealt with yet and that show up in the body. They stop us from being the best and happiest versions of ourselves.

Somatic therapy techniques that help you understand how your body feels must be combined with therapeutic steps toward best energy healing South Africa if you want to be happy. Seeing that you have feelings you haven't dealt with is a good start, but being aware of these problems doesn't solve them.

Somatic therapy is also about letting yourself feel whatever is going on in your body without judging it. Don't call physical, mental, or emotional feelings "good" or "bad." Instead, try approaching your body with curiosity instead of judgement.

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