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Sansara Pretender (sansara3) on March 1, 2021
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Public Health England recognises the importance of good work for health and wellbeing and has developed a mental health toolkit for employers. Together these conditions are the biggest occupational health problem in the UK, making them the main cause of employee absence. The online training and resource library is free and aims to increase understanding, raise awareness and enable workplaces to create environments supportive to mental wellbeing. With that notion specifically in mind, the main aim of this chapter is to synthesize the literature to help contextualize the impact of mental health on and within organizations in light of policy decisions and/or actions pertaining to mental health. Employers can often dismiss these signs as an employee who is just being difficult or lazy.

So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed at work, have five minutes to yourself and take a deep breath. Awareness of mental health is increasing, but we still face a world where people with mental health problems face discrimination, and can face challenges getting the help they need. Discussing mental health in the workplace can be a good way to alleviate a difficult situation. Talking through things that are worrying you can be really helpful, just sharing whatever it is can help you feel supported and listened to. We just need to become better active listeners in the workplace, so we can say OK, I can see youre struggling here, lets go for a walk and you can tell me aboutit. Then management action can be directed to ensure that this state is not jeopardised.

This does not detract from the importance of setting priorities, managing performance and making changes, all of which can be carried out from a place of respect and understanding. The NHS also has someseated exercises you could try. The first step to accessing this help is admitting that you're struggling. Looking after managing and supporting mental health at work can sometimes be quite difficult. The topic of mental health is becoming an increasingly big part of the wellbeing-conversation in the workplace. Schedule time in the evening to visit with friends.

They cover everything from thoughts, emotions, relationships to the future with a whole chapter on exercises that you can start to put into practice straight away. How you create and implement your plan is up to you. For instance, in a Zoom meeting, it could be difficult to see whether paticipants are paying attention or not. Support can come from colleagues too. Recent reports have discovered a crisis around workplace mental health today. Ask what volunteers do, where and when they do it, and whether an employee is available with information and guidance when needed.

By taking proactive steps like the ones listed above, employers and employees alike can reap the rewards. Work-related stress and mental health often go together. These statistics are obviously worrying for businesses, because lost working days means lower productivity and profits, but there's also the reality that staff who are not thriving mentally are not thriving professionally. The coronavirus outbreak has shaken everyone, industries and individuals alike. A lack of clarity could leave employees anxious, in isolation, and relying mostly on assumptions. There are small, simple steps you can take to make dealing with depression at work something that people can talk about.

Contrary to the way many of us live, thinking about yourself all the time isnt a great way to live your life. But with mental health? Theres just a few voices working hard to crack the near-silence. The training covers what is mental health, depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, self harm, bipolar disorder and mental health first aid action plan. The truth, of course, is that the stigma surrounding mental health is still prevalent in society. The more severe illnesses bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are less common, affecting around one in ten of us.

Factors like poverty, genetics, childhood trauma, discrimination, or ongoing physical illness make it more likely that we will develop mental health problems, but mental health problems can happen to anybody. If you are a manager then employers duty of care is a subject that you will be aware of. The literature strongly indicates that the key to unlocking an individuals full potential and subsequent mental wellbeing is through such forms of constructive managerial actions.

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