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What are The Different Kidney Stones

benbeth647 (benbeth647) on August 12, 2020
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Kidney stone is one of the most common illnesses that occur for a few different causes such as the increase of crystal- forming substances (oxalate, calcium, and uric acid) in the human body. Abdominal pain and urinary pain are the two most common symptoms of kidney stones. This ailment should be treated as soon as possible as stones can turn bigger and stronger over time. And when it becomes a bigger problem, it gets togher to remove the stones from basic treatments.

A urologist is a specialized person who can treat kidney stones. There are different techniques and treatments to remove stones depending on the size, type, and location of stones. Small stones can pass through the urinary tract with just drinking more and more water. On the other hand, big stones need a proper treatment to be removed. Here are some most commonly used stones removal treatments that are used for removing big-size stones.

Shock Wave Lithotripsy- This kidney stones operation or treatment is used for breaking the big-size stones into small pieces by making a blast inside. Once they are broken, they easily pass through the urinary tract.

Cystoscopy & Ureteroscopy- During a cystoscopy, doctors use cystoscopy tools to find stones inside the urethra and bladder. On the other side, during ureteroscopy, doctors use ureteroscopy tools to see the detailed image stones. Once they find stones, they remove stones or break them if they are breakable.

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