A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
Henryk Kotowski (SM0JHF)
August 19, 2011
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The New Super Station of Tibor, HA7TM

Tibor became a licenced Amateur Radio operator at the age of
18. After 30 years of using his regular call sign he acquired a shorter,
contest type, call sign HG7T. His appetite for serious contesting grew stronger
and a couple of years ago he decided to go all the way. He found a secluded
place, surrounded only by trees and some wild animals, about ten miles east of
the second largest town in Hungary Debrecen. The land, some 2.5 acres, is hard
to reach.

Tibor�s home is in a suburb of Budapest called Erd. He had
been building large antennas until he reached the limit of what a residential
area can handle. Besides, this place became too noisy for any serious low-bands
activity. A year ago he started building the new station from scratch.

Today there are five freestanding towers, soon there will be
one more. On the day I visited his antenna farm a new 45-meter tower was being
delivered. It will carry a full-size 80-meter Yagi antenna. In conjunction with
several very long Beverage receiving antennas he is going to be able to raise
incredible number of average-antenna stations all over the world.

The radio room is designed for multi-operator events, even
though Tibor most often prefers single-operator contests. There is a small
group of friends who help with the antenna work, and sometimes get together for
a team effort in large contests.

Let the pictures talk. I hope to be able to visit him again
when, if ever, this place will be finally ready. Such installations tend to
grow all the time and are modified, modernized and improved all the time.

Visit Tibor�s website www.ha7tm.hu
where both up-to-date information is posted, as well as reports from his
previous activities. He has been on several DX-peditions, apart from doing very
well in contests operating from Hungary. This was my first visit to Hungary,
which is truly an attractive and lovely country.

Henryk Kotowski, SM0JHF
August 2011
A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
by ha5bsw on August 15, 2011
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I was a fine contest station, some time i am also wisited there.
An I am member of HG7T contest time als the photograph shows it - I am on him on the pictures.
A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
by cheapnikefreeruns on April 5, 2012
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A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
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A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
Anonymous post on February 5, 2013
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Was it him who was disqulified in IARU 2012?
HA's operators are DQ'ed again and again... What is wrong there?
A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
by W9XY on May 13, 2013
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I also had the pleasure of visiting Tibi's station, thanks to HA5JI who took me there.
Beyond the station, I especially admired his two GPS robot lawn mowers which were in operation! :-)
73, Bob - HA/W9XY
RE: A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
Anonymous post on September 26, 2015
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Maybe it is how the logs are turned in. I know their are a lot of club stations in Hungary. Maybe they are assuming he is a club filing as single operator instead. T have Contact Tibor myself and have roots in Hungary so any HA call is special to me contest or no contest. I hope maybe someday I too will meet Tibor too.
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