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Welcome to the SD-User Mailing List

The sd-user mailing list is intended as a focus for users of the SD (Super-Duper) group of contest logging programs worldwide.

These are:

SD .... Many HF contests.
SDV . RSGB VHF contests.
SDI ....IOTA contest.
SDL .. IOTA contest for Listeners.
SDC .. RSGB Commonwealth contest.
SDU ...UBA contest.

The list is provided for the discussion of technical matters, and queries on features, upgrades, procedures and bugs.

Paul O'Kane EI5DI, the author of SD, reads the list and is a regular contributor.

There is a simple but strict editorial policy to keep this list for SD users. It is not intended to be a general discussion forum about contests or the IOTA programme.

To join the mailing list:

Send mail to [email protected] with the following command in the body of your email message:


Please carefully follow the instructions you receive in order to confirm your subscription.

To leave the mailing list:

Send mail to [email protected] with the following command in the body of your email message:


To send mail to the list:

Send your mail to [email protected]

Your mail will then be sent to everyone on the list.

Digest of the list:

A digest version of the list is also available.  You will receive one message per day (mailed at 23:45 local time in Georgia, USA) with all the days messages appended together.

To subscribe to the digest, send mail to [email protected] with the following command in the body of your email message:


Please carefully follow the instructions you receive in order to confirm your subscription.

Archives of the list:

A WWW-browsable version of the list can be found at:

Rules on use of the list:

Very simply, please bear these in mind when sending mail to the list:
  1. No profanities please, this list may be copied to packet-radio BBS sites.
  2. Messages should be of direct interest to SD users.
  3. Please do not over-quote when replying, most people on the list pay for their connection to the internet.
  4. Whenever possible, reply direct to the sender rather than the list.
  5. Requests sent to sd-user to unsubscribe from the mailing list will be ignored! Send these requests to [email protected] (see above).

What else is available?

To receive a full list of the facilities, send mail to [email protected] with 'HELP" as the first line in the body of your message. The Subject line will be ignored.

Any problems?

For queries on the use of the list, or technical difficulties, mail [email protected]