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WRTC Resume For


David Mueller, N2NL May 12, 2001
3300 Lakeshore Dr
Riviera Beach FL 33404
[email protected]

To whom it may concern,
My name is David Mueller, N2NL. You may still remember my old call, KE2PF. I am only 30 years old and come from the new generation of up-and-coming contesters. I began contesting as a member of the Frankford Radio Club, and was at one time the club�s youngest member. Presently I am a member of the Florida Contest Group. As an active duty career member of the US Coast Guard, I have had the opportunity to operate from several locations around the world. My sole hobby is Amateur Radio Contesting, and I constantly strive to be the best. I have always wanted the opportunity to compete at WRTC, and I feel I am capable of beating the best in the world. I have operated low and high power, from small and large stations, CW and SSB, single and multi-operator, from different parts of the world, in both domestic and international contests. When I make a serious effort in a contest, my score is always competitive, and have broken several records. Below is a listing of just some of my accomplishments.

2001 ARRL DX CW, SOABLP, K4XS (N2NL, op). I operated 48 hours straight without leaving the chair, SO2R the entire time. My claimed score is #1 in the USA, breaking the previous USA low power record set by WRTC winner K1TO by nearly 50%. After the contest I wrote an article with pictures and a .WAV file, which can be seen at

1997 WPX CW, SOABHP, KE2PF. #1 USA, NEW USA RECORD, beating perennial winner KQ2M. An article about my effort was later published in NCJ Magazine.

1998 WPX CW, SOABHP, N2NL. #1 USA, NEW USA RECORD, once again beating WPX wizard KQ2M.

1996 ARRL 160, SOHP, N2RM (N2NL, op). #1 WORLD, NEW WORLD RECORD. I believe this record still stands.

2000 SUMMER NAQP CW, SO, N2NL. #1 USA. Won with a 4el tribander, 2el 40, and wires on a 60ft tower.

1999 CQWW SSB, SOA, KH2/N2NL. Operated 44 out of the 48 hours, without a DVK, making more than 5000 QSOs with a rooftop tribander and dipole. My score was #2 WORLD and a new OCEANIA RECORD.

1999 CQWW CW, SINGLE BAND 80M, KH2/N2NL. TOP 10 WORLD, NEW OCEANIA RECORD. Used a homebrew 80m inverted L made out of scrap aluminum and wire located in a congested Navy housing area.

1998 CQWW CW, SOA, KH2/N2NL. NEW OCEANIA RECORD, TOP 10 WORLD. 4000 QSOs running 400W into a 3el tribander up 20ft + dipoles.

This is a listing of just a few of my contesting accomplishments. I have many top-10 efforts, and have been part of several winning M/M and M/S efforts from N2RM and N2NU. I feel as an operator, my skills are constantly improving. I attempt to be active in every contest possible, and outside of contest weekends I spend hours sharpening my skills with software such as PED. For example, between 1998-2000, I made nearly 40,000 contest QSOs from Guam, even though my job took me out to sea for several months of the year. A good person to speak with is Dan, K1TO. He is a 2-time winner of WRTC, and I had the opportunity to operate beside him for the 2000 CQWW CW contest. He feels I am WRTC caliber and that if given the chance, could be very successful next year in Finland.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

David Mueller, N2NL