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Contesting Online Speak Out

Speak Out: A post-contest accuracy report for cluster spotting?

Operating with spotting assistance is not for everyone, but for those who use it, what do you think about there being a published "accuracy" report for spots made during contests?

99 opinions on this subject. Enter your opinion at the bottom of this page.
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kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

kEMlzpAX on 2024-01-22

dl2cc on 2011-10-31
You don't want to prevent motivation in people... mistakes can happen, any operator should listen to the callsign carefully anyway... I have another idea: any contester entering an assisted category should be judged on how many interesting spots he spotted... there are many who just take and never give!

ve6zzz on 2011-06-07
Guys,it's a tool to use at your own discretion,there are no guarantees that spot information is accurate of valid...if you get bit...too bad!! Roll with it.

N2KI on 2011-01-23
The accuracy of spotting is important for obvious reasons. I find that numerous times, RTTY spotters do not spot the proper frequency of the mark tone. They end up spotting the zero beat frequency which is 2.125kHz higher. So that becomes a problem to the inexperienced operator and an annoyance to the seasoned operator. Proper setup of their radio display is in order. I'm not sure what a so called "accuracy report" is supposed to do and don't think I would refer to it. Bottom line is know who you are working.

I see some comments about the spotting inaccuracy in relation to busted calls. The last I checked, it was the responsibility of the radio operator to ensure he/she gets a proper call sign and an RST to validate a contact. Period!

Regarding contest spotting in general:

Sour grapes perhaps? Some of you need to calm down.
This is the same scenario from when SO2R started. Before the SO2R class was born, some stations used two radios with the current software technology at the time and still exists today. The complainers at the time were the folks who either could not or did not want to operate in that regard. So they called it unfair, cheating etc because scores were, for the most part, doubled. The SO2R guys entered into the contest as SOAB because the SO2R was not an entry category thereby giving them an unfair advantage. Hence, the SO2R category was born. The same thing should happen here with regard to spotting assistance during contests. It should clearly be a separate entry sub-class category of which I haven't any qualms entering. Some contests have already incorporated that.

Maybe we should start to direct our ire at the stations who enter a high power category and have an auto tune amplifier? Its clearly an unfair advantage (tongue in cheek). Or what about the stations who have beam antennas competing against stations who only have wire antennas? Where does it end people!

KG5VK on 2010-11-25
Interesting to see that at least one poster thinks ANY
use of spotting is un sport like
maybe he is not considering so assisted or multi

I thinks a spot accuracy report would at least be
interesting post contest anal tool


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