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Contesting Online Forums : Articles : How About Some Changes ? Forums Help

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How About Some Changes ? Reply
by K3MD on November 3, 2003 Mail this to a friend!
I agree.
Low and High power are due.
Huge multi-station HQ efforts, although well-intentioned by W1AW to maximize number of contacts, should not be allowed. W1AW/3 was 2 stations in PA separated by over 200 miles. This is not allowed in any other contest at all.
The zone multiplier problems are very akin to the CQWW contest scoring problems.
John K3MD
RE: How About Some Changes ? Reply
by HA5X on December 1, 2003 Mail this to a friend!
I myself fully agree. Operating from home, where I only have a 3.5m x 1.5m balcony for antennas and where I want to live peacefully with my neighbours, so I cannot use kilowatts; it is of course impossible to compete with stations using high power and big antenna systems...

Therefore I am in favour of differentiating between power levels, and I would even add a category for "small antennas". It would be great for those who work mobile or have other types of small installations to radiate their power. Even though I use 100 watts, in efficiency it rather just compares to QRP.

Now, consider all my handicap: restricted antenna space, restricted power, zone 28. What I can do is enjoy the few points I can make, and compete with myself and my own limits. I personally do not really care if I rank last but one in a contest if I have enjoyed it and feel that the result is better than last time or something. But it would be nice to add some new categories so that "handicapped" players are also rewarded for their efforts.
RE: How About Some Changes ? Reply
by ZS1AN on December 12, 2003 Mail this to a friend!
I agree with high and low power. Many countries do not allow very high power amateur stations so it is a bit unfair for everyone to compete with 1 KW stations.

It makes sense that all radios in an HQ station should be located in the same place, as is required for multi multis in other contests. However this should not have to be the offices of the member society, since many of them may not have suitable shacks.

I also suggest that a multi/two category should be created, with the same operating rules as for the WRTC stations (including power and antenna restrictions). This would provide a good opportunity for WRTC wannabes to practise the skills needed, and also allow us to compare our scores with the WRTC contestants.
RE: How About Some Changes ? Reply
by vk2cz on January 15, 2004 Mail this to a friend!
From 'down-under' in zone 55,58 and 59, the proximity of zones with hams in them is scarce in any contest, and we simply resign ourselves into never being in global contention when standing beside say Zone 28 or Zone 8.

This is born out of fewer than 2% single point qso's in my IARU logs.. I'm lucky to get to 1% single point QSO's in CQWW in my logs too.

The VK IARU SSB category record I hold (highest SSB score in either of zone 55,58 or 59) is with what could be a considered meager score, but I'd suggest we all accept the playing field with it's faults.

I like the idea of a HQ station being a super M/M category, but keep the awards identical, ie W1AW/6 has a very diffrenet set of awards comapred to W1AW/3.

David Burger VK2CZ

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