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[WriteLog] FSK With TS-450S & Writelog/MMTTY and Windows XP/XP Pro

To: <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] FSK With TS-450S & Writelog/MMTTY and Windows XP/XP Pro
From: "wILLIE mARTIN" <williecmartin@msn.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 23:00:07 -0500
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Any one successfully operating FSK RTTY with XP/XP Pro?

I have been trying to get my setup to operate FSK, but haven't been able to get 
it going. The radio seems to be operating, but no answers to my calls.  
However, I have been successful with AFSK and operated in contests without 

My setup is as Follows:

Computer: 1.2 GHz with windows XP Pro with Four Serial Ports
Interface: Rascal/Rigblaster Plus
Radio:      Kenwood TS-450S

Computer: Compaq Laptop 1.0 GHz with XP Two USB Ports
                F5U103 Serial to USB adapters (2)
Interface:  Rascal/Rigblaster Plus
Radio:       Kenwood TS-450

Any suggestion, please e-mail direct.

Willie, K5DKH
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