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Re: [TowerTalk] Soldering Coax Connectors

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Soldering Coax Connectors
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 07:30:36 -0500
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While I cannot say that installing coax connectors is a task that I enjoy, I believe that having a good soldering iron with PL-259s makes things much easier and better. I use an American Beauty with a huge tip.

John KK9A

Fred Matos W3ICM wrote:

On soldering PL-259 connectors...
I was mostly inactive for a long time, and just got very active two years ago.
One of the things that I hate in ham radio is soldering PL-259 connectors, even though I have made many thousands of QSOs using coax with probably poorly soldered connectors that worked okay. In the past, I used the specs from the ARRL Handbook, which I was told are actually Amphenol specs. It's the shield soldering that challenging. This time I decided to find an easy way to solder the connectors, so I did a YouTube search. My search resulted in about 20 hits, with guys showing their preferred way of soldering the connectors. Unfortunately, there was very little commonality among their methods. I was looking for a simple method, but some methods are very complicated. Some involve rapid cool down of the connector after soldering. I have tried the K3LR method which is a major change in the shield-soldering procedure.
I am moving on to crimp connectors to make life easier.

Fred W3ICM and YI3DX


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