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Re: [ct-user] What does ctrl-L actually DO?

To: Doug Roberts <g0wmw@arrl.net>
Subject: Re: [ct-user] What does ctrl-L actually DO?
From: Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
Reply-to: jjreisert@alum.mit.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 13:44:26 -0800 (PST)
List-post: <mailto:ct-user@contesting.com>
--- Doug Roberts <g0wmw@arrl.net> wrote:
> We used CT-Win 9.91.001 in M/S and suffered the hourly crash problem.  Also
> managed to get 'fat fingers' with point & shoot which meant several calls
> were logged when no contact took place.  We marked these with ctrl-L, but
> they all turned up in the Cabrillo output - with no obvious marking to show
> they were bad.

Cabrillo was intended to be a log of ALL QSOs you made, regardless of those you
want counted or not.  CTRL-L assigns 0 points to the QSO, but since the
Cabrillo output has no notion of points, that info gets lost.

CTRL-L was typically used to mark non-mult QSOs made by the mult station in a
M/S effort. The station working the M/S does not know that they are M/S, so
they claim the QSO.  If this QSO was deleted from the M/S log, then the other
station would lose credit for it during log checking (not-in-log).  Not a good

My suggestion for serial number contests is to enter a known dupe, for instance
the same call as the previous QSO.  This keeps the numbering in-tact.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.com
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC
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