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Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Site Contesting Rules

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Site Contesting Rules
From: Eric Hilding <dx35@hilding.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:56:42 -0800
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Paul, VO1HE, wrote:

 > I certainly hope that this does not become the norm for the hobby. If it
 > comes down to trying to bust pileups or contesting against guys with remote
 > stations dotting the globe, then my gear will be for sale and I'll buy a new
 > motorcycle.

Better start looking for some good deals on Harleys, Paul, 'cuz Remote Site 
Contesting is here to stay.

I empathize with what you're saying, but Ham Radio and Contesting have 
always produced "Innovation".  For those of us who want to win some 
Contests (but have accurately assessed the fact we can not do so from the 
"RF Holes" in the ground where we live), Remote Site Contesting is an 
alternative to help us accomplish the goal.  Or, at least not end up in 
4th, 5th or 6th position in the pileups so often.  My heart really goes out 
to all CC&R and/or QTH "Challenged" Contesters.

Contesting for the shear enjoyment of it is very cool, but I don't think it 
would be called "Contesting" if there weren't a very competitive element 
involved for many.

So for now, I'll continue to "Practice-Practice-Practice" from this RF-Hole 
while diligently working toward my goal of a fully SO2R Remote Site 
Station...and make the sacrifices to do so...while still on the 
planet.  And, while there are still enough operators to work, because 
sadly, I've also come to realize as much as we try to attract new blood and 
youth into Contesting, the statistics suggest Contesting will ultimately 
end up down the path of the infamous "Edsel".

That's why we all need to have Contesting "FUN-FUN-FUN" while we can, in 
whatever way we are willing to do so.  For me, that does NOT include trying 
to be competitive from here, 'cuz it just don't work ;-(   With my big hill 
in the way toward VO1, you guys are always one of the toughest mults to 
work in SS.  Hopefully, if plans work out here, THAT particular Contesting 
shortfall will be dispensed with before SS 2007.  "Hopefully" :-)


Rick, K6VVA

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