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[3830] Ohio QSO Party - KU8E/M High Claimed Score

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] Ohio QSO Party - KU8E/M High Claimed Score
From: ku8e1@yahoo.com (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 11:04:41 -0700 (PDT)
                      2001 OHIO QSO PARTY
 Call used: KU8E/m            Location: Ohio
 Category: Rover Mobile       Mode: MIXED           Power: 100W
 Callsign of Operator: KU8E  
 If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:

 Equipment : Icom 706MKIIG and Hustler mobile whips 80-10 meters

  County             CW      SSB        QSO Points

  DELA               26       4           56
  UNIO               19       8           46
  LOGA               39       9           87
  CHAM               23       0           46
  MADI               47      30          124
  CLAR               25      17           67
  FAYE               43      24          110
  HIGH               36      28          100
  ROSS               28       9           65

  Total             286      129         701    

   415 total QSO's  ->   701 QSO Points * 115 mults =    80,615 points 

                  OQP Multiplier Checkoff List  

                  CW  SSB                            CW      SSB
Adams ADAM        X                Licking LICK       X
Allen ALLE                         Logan LOGA       
Ashland ASHL                       Lorain LORA                X
Ashtabula ASHT         X           Lucas LUCA         X       X
Athens ATHE                        Madison MADI               X
Auglaize AUGL                      Mahoning MAHO      X       X
Belmont BELM      X                Marion MARI        X
Brown BROW                         Medina MEDI       
Butler BUTL       X                Meigs MEIG       
Carroll CARR      X                Mercer MERC       
Champaign CHAM    X    X           Miami MIAM       
Clark CLAR                         Monroe MONR       
Clermont CLER     X    X           Montgomery MONT            X
Clinton CLIN           X           Morgan MORG         X
Columbiana COLU                    Morrow MORR         X      X
Coshocton COSH                     Muskingum MUSK             X
Crawford CRAW                      Noble NOBL                 X
Cuyahoga CUYA     X    X           Ottawa OTTA         X
Darke DARK        X    X           Paulding PAUL       
Defiance DEFI                      Perry PERR       
Delaware DELA     X    X           Pickaway PICK       
Erie ERIE         X    X           Pike PIKE           X
Fairfield FAIR         X           Portage PORT               X
Fayette FAYE                       Preble PREB       
Franklin FRAN     X    X           Putnam PUTN       
Fulton FULT                        Richland RICH       X
Gallia GALL                        Ross ROSS       
Geauga GEAU       X                Sandusky SAND       X
Greene GREE            X           Scioto SCIO       
Guernsey GUER                      Seneca SENE       
Hamilton HAMI     X    X           Shelby SHEL       
Hancock HANC           X           Stark STAR          X    
Hardin HARD                        Summit SUMM         X       X
Harrison HARR                      Trumbull TRUM       X
Henry HENR                         Tuscarawas TUSC       
Highland HIGH                      Union UNIO          X
Hocking HOCK                       Van Wert VANW       X
Holmes HOLM                        Vinton VINT                 X
Huron HURO             X           Warren WARR       
Jackson JACK                       Washington WASH     X       X  
Jefferson JEFF    X    X           Wayne WAYN          X       X
Knox  KNOX        X                Williams  WILL        
Lake LAKE         X                Wood WOOD           X
Lawrence LAWR                      Wyandot WYAN        X

       CW                                       SSB
W1 - MA,CT                                     MA,NH,VT

W2 - NY                                        NY,NJ

W3 - PA,MD                                     MD,PA

W4 - VA,FL,TN,GA,NC                            GA,NC,VA,KY,TN,SC 

W5 - TX,AR,OK,MS                               TX,MS,OK 

W6 - CA                                        CA

W7 - WA,UT                                     WA

W8 - WV,MI                                     MI,WV

W9 - WI,IL,IN                                  IL,IN,WI    

W0 - MO                                        IA,NE,KS,MN

VE - ON                                        ON

Total Multipliers :

Ohio Counties - CW         35

Ohio Counties - SSB        28

States/VE - CW             24

States/VE - SSB            28

Total                     115              

Comments :  Pretty tough this time around since I was by myself and had
no driver and had to do operating, driving, and navigating myself. I
only brave enough to drive and operate when driving down a straight
road and even that was tough ! I can see why they want to ban cell
phones while you are driving ...  Elected to stay put in Union County
when the flare hit so the route was re- adjusted and I skipped some of
the counties I was planning on doing that I knew that had been on
already. Conditions seemed really good when they came back...
on 40 meters with tons of booming signals. It was amzing that K8MFO was
everywhere on CW... I think he was my first or 2nd QSO in every county.
Nice job Don !!!

   It's really great how activity has really picked up each year to 
levels I never dreamed up when I started up the OQP again a couple
of years ago. Thanks to everyone who got on and those guys who go
every year, which makes this contest so fun for everyone....

                             Jeff  KU8E


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