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Contesting News See More Contesting News!
The Spurious Emissions Band at Dayton (2017)
The Pin One Problem, Live at the Visalia Contest Dinner (2017)
RSGB ROtating LOcators Contests
Maine 2 Meter FM Simplex Challenge
New contest: UKEICC
2016 Montana QSO Party
Winter Field Day
Announcing the new UKSMG Winter Marathon
Articles More Articles
Reflections on the ~2005~ CQWWW Contest
A fantasy look at one possible look at the future of contesting.
DXLog Contest Software
Henryki, SM0JHF visits SN0HQ during the IARU contest
A Visit With S57DX
Henryk - SM0JHF at the shack of S57DX
Montenegro landmark
A visit with Ranko, 4O3A
Slovak Contest Group
Henryk - SM0JHF visits OM8A
The Paper log, SO2R and SDR generations
CT1BOH shares his views of three contest generations.
The Dozen Dashes Contest Radioclub in Slovakia by Henryk Kotowski (SM0JHF) Full list of the best Canadian online casinos rooms that guarantee accurate payouts every time. Low Cost Autodesk Plant Design Suite Ultimate - Software.
A visit with Tibor, HA7TM
Join Henryk Kotowski, SM0JHF, on a tour of HA7TM
Let's meet SP7VC! By Henryk SM0JHF
OM7M - Low Bands Contest Club
A tour of OM7M - presented by Henryk SM0JHF
SO2R - advice needed!
I am seeking advise from anyone who has experience in operating SO2R.
When is the contest over?
An editorial by K5ZD.
Let's Meet SP4Z
SP5ZCC also known as SN5Z
Survey More Surveys
Do you plan to enter the CQ WW DX Contest?
[81 votes since 2021-10-27]
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WA7BNM Contest Calendar WA7BNM Calendar Home
Tennessee QSO PartySep 1-2
K1USN Slow Speed TestSep 2
ICWC Medium Speed TestSep 2
OK1WC Memorial (MWC)Sep 2
RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSBSep 2
ICWC Medium Speed TestSep 2
MI QRP Labor Day CW SprintSep 2-3
ARS Spartan SprintSep 3
Worldwide Sideband Activity ContestSep 3
ICWC Medium Speed TestSep 3
Phone Weekly TestSep 4
A1Club AWTSep 4
CWops Test (CWT)Sep 4
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity ContestSep 4
Mini-Test 40Sep 4
Mini-Test 80Sep 4
CWops Test (CWT)Sep 4
UKEICC 80m ContestSep 4
Walk for the Bacon QRP ContestSep 5-6
CWops Test (CWT)Sep 5
CWops Test (CWT)Sep 5
NRAU 10m Activity ContestSep 5
SKCC Sprint EuropeSep 5
NCCC FT4 SprintSep 6
Weekly RTTY TestSep 6
NCCC Sprint LadderSep 6
K1USN Slow Speed TestSep 6
All Asian DX Contest, PhoneSep 7-8
CWOps CW OpenSep 7
Wake-Up! QRP SprintSep 7
SARL VHF/UHF FM ContestSep 7-8
SARL Field Day ContestSep 7-8
Russian RTTY WW ContestSep 7-8
CWOps CW OpenSep 7
IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSBSep 7-8
RSGB SSB Field DaySep 7-8
Ohio State Parks on the AirSep 7
IARU Region 1 145 MHz ContestSep 7-8
AGCW Straight Key PartySep 7
PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m SprintSep 7-8
CWOps CW OpenSep 7
North American Sprint, CWSep 8
WAB 144 MHz QRO PhoneSep 8
4 States QRP Group Second Sunday SprintSep 9
K1USN Slow Speed TestSep 9
ICWC Medium Speed TestSep 9
OK1WC Memorial (MWC)Sep 9
144 MHz Fall SprintSep 9
ICWC Medium Speed TestSep 9
Contest Tips More Tips!
Are you an expert? The following are unanswered questions...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Software for antenna rotators
where I can by parts as remains from stocks
2017 Dayton Contest Forum W5OV
W5OV CQ World Wide Contest co-director W5OV

2017 NCCC Awards Banquet K6XX & N6KT

2017 Visalia Contest Dinner K5RC & N6TJ

2017 Visalia International DX Convention K7JA, N2IC, NP4G

Speakout View More Topics
A post-contest accuracy report for cluster spotting?
Operating with spotting assistance is not for everyone, but for those who use it, what do you think about there being a published "accuracy" report for spots made during contests?
Spotlight YI9VCQ CQWW WPX CW 2005
YI9VCQ CQWW WPX CW 2005 Not breaking any records but putting out the YI9 prefix and having fun at the same time!

Strays Gday, pass us a stray!
In the book of Genesis, it says that it is not good for man to be alone, but many single-ops would disagree.
Stations WX7P Contesting Station
WX7P Contesting Station

Links View More Links!
Last 5 Rated Avg. Rating
URC DX RTTY Contest 5.0
Envision Carpentry LLC 5.0
Window Screen Installation Los Angeles 5.0
Window Screen Installation Los Angeles 5.0
Đăng Nhập 8xbet 5.0

There are 658 total links!