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[3830] RTTY Roundup W0LSD SO Unlimited HP

To: 3830@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] RTTY Roundup W0LSD SO Unlimited HP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: diverkene@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2019 17:54:18 +0000
List-post: <mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: W0LSD
Operator(s): W0LSD
Station: W0LSD

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  RTTY Qs  Dig Qs
   80:    318      0
   40:    569      0
   20:    802      0
   15:    257      0
   10:      7      0
Total:   1953      0  State/Prov = 56  Countries = 47  Total Score = 201,159

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


A lot of apprehension going into this contest. Would it be worthwhile with only
RTTY? Would the 2 modes conflict with limited band space? Is it the trend of
future with FT8 and RTTY contesting? Would the FT8 take away from RTTY activity?
Not sure those questions were answered, although I don't think there was much of
a QRM conflict, at least from the RTTY operation.

This is one contest I try and really prepare for, as much as you can with solar
conditions and Murphy. My usual plan is to use Sunday AM to pickup those vital
EU mults. In the west we have a shorter window to EU and we get to sit and watch
the Midwest and the EC work EU until we "get propagation". Well, this
year with a combination of poor propagation and seemingly lack of activity from
EU on RTTY, the mults were pathetic. Even the usual mults I pick up on 40 from
Asia in the wee AM hours were not there. I have a 746pro, old laptop, L4B
rescued from a landfill and a 3 ele 10 meter beam all dedicated to 10 meters.
For the last few contests, it has made 2-3 local contacts on 10, but this year,
I worked 5 stations on E skip in MO. Only stations I heard, but was able to jump
in and work them. The opening lasted just a few minutes and only to MO. Not sure
I can explain that opening. E skip in January? The question is,would there have
been more contacts available if stations were on? I called a few CQs with no
success so probably not worth the effort when 20 and 40 were good. Sunday
allowed some reprieve by having a pretty good stateside opening on 15. Obviously
20 and 40 carried the most weight, 70% of my total. 

Congrats to Craig for the huge score in Unlimited. 
Thanks to all for the Qs. Lots of new calls and a few familiar ones were
missing. Hope to see all of you in WPX.

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